Monday, November 4, 2013

Parables and Accounts that Teach Eternal Truths

Luke 16:1-12
The Children of this World are in Their Generation Wiser than the Children of Light

I am going to copy a paragraph out of the Life and Teachings of Jesus and His Disciples. 
"The lesson may be summed up in this wise:  Make such use of your wealth as shall insure you friends hereafter.  Be diligent; for the day in which you can use your earthly riches will soon pass.  Take a lesson from even the dishonest and the evil; if they are so prudent as to provide for the only future they think of, how much more should you, who believe in a n eternal future, provide therefore"  (p124)

Luke 16:19-31
What do We Learn About the Spirit World from the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus?

We learn of 2 different conditions in the post mortal world.  Abraham's bosom or a place of rest and Hell or a place of torment. The Savior's visit to the spirit world during the time between his death and resurrection bridged the gulf between paradise and hell.  The Savior's visit to the spirits in prison was a fulfillment of his own words.  (Luke 4:18)

Because of this bridge between the 2 conditions all those who seek repentance may have it.  I love this concept.  How many people have died without baptism.  How many people have died and never knew their Savior because they didn't have a chance.  The bridge between paradise and hell gives everyone a chance to be baptized and to accept the Savior as their Redeemer.  Baptism is required but not everyone gets the chance.  The bridge makes it possible for everyone.

Luke 17:11-19

Why were the Ten Lepers to Show themselves to the Priest?
Were there Not Ten Cleansed?

The lepers must show themselves unto the priest so that they could have re-admittance into society.
Christ also told them to show the priest as a test of their faith.  As they complied they were healed.  

The one who returned to give thanks was a Samaritan.  This could have been another way to show the apostles that all men are acceptable to the Lord.  The Jewish thought that they were a chosen race.  This was soon to be replaced with the command to take the gospel of peace to all races.   

Luke 18:1-8
Why did the Lord Give the Parable of the Unjust Judge?

We need to be careful not to think that God is unjust like this judge.  The Lord's purpose in giving this parable was that me ought to pray and not to faint.  The woman in the parable was persistent until she wore down the judge.  The judge just didn't want to deal with her anymore.  I don't think we should be so persistent that we pray with the idea of wearing down the Lord with what we want like Martin Harris did with the translation.  We do need to be persistent in praying for the righteous desires of our heart and with repentance.  

Luke 18:9-14
Why did the Lord give the Parable of the Pharisee and Publican?

This parable was given to the self righteous.  We need to be careful not to put ourselves above others because we perceive ourselves to be better.  We can't  go through the motions of prayer and doing the things we need to do just for what others may see. I think some truly believe they are better because they are going through the motions of goodness.  We need to humble ourselves and truly pray and repent.  We need to go to church with the intent of bettering ourselves and helping others.

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