Saturday, February 15, 2014

Faith, Grace, and Works : Romans 2-5

Faith, Grace, and Good Works all play a part in our salvation.  We can see this in Romans 2-5

Faith and Grace

2:11  no respecter of persons
3:22  faith of Jesus Christ
3:23  for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God
3:24  being justified freely by his grace
3:25  faith in his blood
3:27  law of faith
4:12  walk in steps of faith
4:16  it is of faith, that it might be by grace
5:1  justified by faith
5:2  by faith into this grace
5:9  justified by His blood
5:15  free gift; gift by grace


2:6  according to his deeds
2:7  patient continuance
2:10  glory and peace, to ever man that worketh good
3:20  by the deeds of the law
3:25  declare his righteousness
3:21  we establish a law
5:3  tribulation worketh patience
5:19  by the obedience of One shall many be made righteous

In Romans 4:17-25, Paul chose Abraham as a model of Faith.  I think Paul chose Abraham because Abraham exhibited such great faith throughout his life.  Abraham had faith that he would have a son and his faith didn't waiver even though Abraham was old and his wife was past child bearing years.  Abraham was told to sacrifice his son.  Abraham's faith did not waiver.  He was willing to do what the Lord commanded even though, I am sure, it didn't make any sense based on the promises God had made to Abraham.

When I think of how these verses can apply to my life, I need to always remember that God fulfills his promises.  Always.  These promises are not necessarily fulfilled in my time but are in God's time.

In Romans 5:12-14, Paul talks about the Fall of Adam and why a Savior was needed for all mankind.  Before the Fall there was no sin.  In 2 Nephi 2:11 it states that there must be opposition in all things.  If there was no opposition then we would not have agency.  Because of the Fall, we are free to choose.  The Savior atoned for all of us.

In 2 Nephi 25:23 it states that we are saved by grace, after all we can do.  This is helpful in understanding how grace and good works work together.  Even if we had all the good works in the world, it would not be enough.  We are saved by grace.  All of us receive the gift of the Savior.  We are still required to do all we can do so that we can return to live in glory with our Heavenly Father. 

While studying these chapters in Romans, I learned a great deal about why we need grace, faith, and works.  I am thankful for the Atonement and that my Savior gave me the gift of eternal life and the chance to return to live with my Heavenly Father.  I am thankful for the gospel of Jesus Christ.  I am thankful that I can give my life to him and do my very best to live the commandments.

I have this quote in my entry way.

We are all children of our Heavenly Father.  He has given us a wonderful gift through our Savior.  We need to do our best and become all that we can so that He can smile and say, "Well done."

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