Monday, March 24, 2014

Teaching: 2 Peter 2

The characteristics of false teachers as described by Peter

deny the Lord                                        shall speak evil of the truth                         covetousness
filthy conversation                                  walk after the flesh                                     lust of uncleannes
despise government                                presumtious                                              self willed
speak evil of things not understood         pleasure to riot                                           adultery
words of vanity    
This list will help me to avoid false teachings in the world today.  We can tell who is a follower of Christ by their actions.  If someone were to do any of the list above then they are not following Christ.

In 2 Peter 2:20-22 and D&C 82:3,7 it talks about those that have received Christ in their life and have turned away from it and returned to their way of life before.  These scriptures state that it would have been better if they had not known the truth then to have know it and turned from it.  As we lose the light of Christ and lose the right to have the Holy Ghost as our constant companion, I think it become harder to choose the right and the resist temptations.  When we are followers of Christ be don't want anything to do with sin.
As a disciple of Christ we are expected to follow the commandments and
to follow the Savior in all things.

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