Friday, March 14, 2014


I am in London and Paris this week and wanted to make this a little more interesting. At the beginning of this trip, I read the questions for this assignment to my niece and daughter.  Our adventure was to find the answers in the history of London.

How should we treat strangers and those in bondage?

London has a rich history of good kings and queens and then horrible tyrants.  Their history is riddled with jealousy, wars, and putting those who were a threat to the crown in captivity.
The king of Scotland was incarcerated for 16 years.  He was allowed to leave when he wanted and even given hunting dogs.  He was not allowed to go further than 21 miles away from the Tower of London.  Then there were other horrible examples of torture and unjust treatment.

White Tower at the London Tower, London England
In vs 3.  It says we should treat others with compassion.  This does not mean to trust everyone and to be taken advantage of.  We need to use common sense but we can also be kind.

How is marriage looked upon?

The royal weddings are looked upon with great amazement and admiration.
In vs 4:  Marriage is looked upon honorably

What warnings are given about covetousness?

I was amazed at how many people were killed because they were considered a threat to the crown.  Many of the stories were very sad.
In vs 5.  Be content for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.

What is the same yesterday, and today, and forever?

vs 8.  Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

How are we sanctified?

vs 12.  We are sanctified through Christ's blood and by His suffering

How do we respond to those that rule over us?

It seems that the general people in London love their Queen.  We happened to be there when the Queen was arriving at Westminster Abby.  The people lined the street.

Buckingham Palace in London, England

vs 17.  We obey and submit ourselves to those who rule over us.

Who did Paul ask the people to pray for?

The Anglican Church built St. Paul's Cathedral to honor Paul.  This is not what Paul asked for.  Instead of praying for Paul, the people pray to Paul.

St. Paul's Cathedral in London, England

vs. 18.  Paul asked us to pray for him so that he could return to be with the people.

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