Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Day of Pentecost: Acts 2

The meaning of the Day of Pentecost:

Fifty days or seven weeks following the Passover feast, faithful Jews observed a celebration known as Pentecost. (The Life and Teachings of Jesus; p 243) Pentecost literally means fiftieth.  

Peter's teachings on this day:

In verse 1, he taught of unity.
In verse 5, he taught that the gospel is universal.
In verse 16, he taught about the fulfillment of the prophet Joel's prophecy.
In verse 24, he taught about the resurrection.
In verse 38, Peter taught repentance and baptism for the remission of sins.  Peter also taught about the gift of the Holy Ghost.  

Peter fulfilled his role as a special witness of Jesus Christ

Peter testified boldly of the Savior.  He was not ashamed.  Peter and the other apostle healed many people and did not stop when commanded by the Elders.  He quoted prophesy from scripture and then declared that it had been fulfilled.  

Gifts of the Spirit that were made manifest on the Day of Pentecost

1.  Gift of tongues
2.  Prophesy
3.  Dreams
4.  Interpretation of tongues.

The People's response to the occurrences on the Day of Pentecost

Some of the people thought that those speaking in tongues were drunk.  Most were amazed and marveled at the occurrence.  

In verse 41 it says that 3000 were baptized.

Those converted continued in the church.  They sold everything they had and began to live the law of consecration.  

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