Thursday, October 3, 2013

Miracles Are Evidence of Faith and God's Power

Jesus performed many miracles during His ministry.  Some evidence of faith was shown by those who benefited by the miracle.

Matthew 8:1-4
 The Leper asked Jesus to cleanse him.  The leper showed faith.

Mark 2:1-12
 A man crippled with palsy could not reach Jesus because of the crowds of people.  He had his friends lower him on his bed through the ceiling.  He was healed because of his faith.

Matthew 8:23-27
The disciples woke Jesus to calm the tempest.  Although, the disciples doubted their own abilities they did not doubt Jesus' ability to calm the sea.

Matthew 8:14-15
Peter's mother-in-law was sick with fever.  Jesus healed her.  She had faith.

Matthew 9:27-31
Two blind men asked Jesus to heal them.  They showed faith by asking to be healed.

Matthew 8:28-34
Jesus cast devils out of two men.  He cast the devils into a herd of pigs who then ran into the water.

Matthew 9:20-22
Mark 5:25-34
A woman with an issue of blood touched the hem of Jesus' clothing.  She had enough faith to know that she would be healed.

You have to have faith to recognize that the miracle are true and the power is real.  The knowledge of God's power makes it easier for me to ask and have faith that God will help me and my family through difficulties.
I know that God has the power to heal the sick and afflicted.  My faith in the Savior and in God's power grows as I study about His miracles and as I see miracles in my life.  

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