Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The Good Shepherd John 10

In John 10:1-11 there are two parts to the parable that Jesus compares Himself to.  He is compared to the door of the fold and the Good Shepherd.  

  In a fold of sheep, there is only one way for the sheep to enter or exit. So in this parable, Christ is referenced as the door.  Sometimes a hireling will be paid to guard the entrance of the fold of sheep but the sheep will only come to the their own Shepherd.   In 2 Nephi 9:41-42 it helps us understand the parable a little better.  It says that the keeper of the Gate is the Holy One of Israel and there is not servant there.  

The similarities between a Shepherd and the Savior are pretty amazing.  It is perfect in every way.
1.  The Shepherd or porter guards the fold.  The Savior is the door of the fold, by which we can enter. He is the true Shepherd of human souls. 
2.  The Shepherd provides food or pasture of his flock.  The Savior has given us His word.  
3.  The true sheep know their Shepherd's voice.  They will only come to their own Shepherd.  The Savior know his own sheep and calls them.  We take upon us the name of Christ and He knows us.
4.  The true shepherd will do anything for his flock.  He will lay down his life if needed.  The Savior laid down his life for each of us.

In 3 Nephi 15:11-24 and 3 Nephi 16:1-3 it talks about the "other" sheep that are refereed to in John 10:16.  We have the records in the Book of Mormon of when the Savior visited the Americas.  It also talks about other sheep.  We don't know who those are exactly but we know that He has other sheep from the 12 tribes of Israel and that at some point all of us will be gathered together to form one fold and have one shepherd.


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