Monday, November 18, 2013

Preparing for the Savior's;s Second Coming

Mark 13
Luke 21:5-38
Joseph Smith-Matthew

In Mark 13:5,9,23,33,35,37 it tells us to take heed and to watch.  
Some of the thing Mark 13 tell us to watch for are...
1.  Watch for signs.  Wars and rumors of wars.  Nation against Nation. Natural disasters 
2.  Gospel will be published everywhere -missionary work
3.  After the tribulations, the sun will go dark, the moon will not cast her light, and the stars will fall

San Antonio Temple

There are other truths taught in the scriptures about the second coming.
In D&C 87:8 it tell us to Stand in Holy Places.  This is the theme for this year in the Youth Program.  Stand in Holy places is not just at the temple or at church.  It can be where ever you are.  In the last year, there have been several conference talks about standing in holy places.  

In D&C 45:56-57 it says to use the Holy Ghost for a guide.  The Holy Ghost will always testify of truth.  We need to be worthy to have personal revelation and know what it feels like when the Holy Ghost does testify of truth.

There are other scriptures in Joseph Smith -Matthew 1: 32, 37, 46-50  We need to treasure of the word so that we will not be deceived and we need to watch.

The parable of the Ten Virgins is another way for us to learn how to prepare for the Second Coming.

1 comment:

  1. Dorias, I really like your blog. I love how colorful it is and how your posts are always very uplifting. Thank you. :)
