Monday, November 25, 2013

Three Parables of Preparation

Matthew 25:1-13
Matthew 25:14-30
Matthew 25:31-46

Parable of the 10 Virgins

In the Parable of the 10 Virgins, we are taught about preparing for the Second Coming of the Savior.  

The Bridegroom represents the Savior or our Master

The Virgins represent the professed believers of  Christ

The Wedding represents the Second Coming

The Bridegroom came at midnight when everyone was sleeping.  He will come when we are least expectant

The 5 Foolish Virgins were disobedient and neglected their duties.  How are we doing in our duties? They were not prepared for the Savior.  Are we doing all we can to be prepared? Are we not doing the simple things because they are too simple?

The 5 Wise Virgins gained a strong testimony, they learned to listen to the Holy Ghost and they kept the commandments.  As we strive to do what we have been commanded and told, we add a drop of oil to our lamps.  I think that every time we go to church, have FHE, study the scriptures, really do our best in our callings, have family and personal prayer, serve others, etc. then we are putting drops of oil into our lamp.  The small and simple things teach us to hear the prompting of the Holy Ghost.  

The Parable of the Talents.

Each servant was given talents.  In the bible this refers to money, it can also represent ll that the Lord has given us.  The first man received 5 talents and turned it into 10.  The second man received 2 talents and turned it into 4.  The third man buried his talent and did nothing with it.  This was then taken from him and given to the first man.  

Not only did the first two men receive praise for their efforts, they also received blessings and became responsible (rulers) for many things. The third man was reprimanded and cast out.  

I do not understand all of this parable but I do understand that we need not be afraid.  We need to do our best with what we are given.  I think the comparison between the man with 5 talents and the man with 2 talents, tells us that we are not all equal in our abilities.  We are given talents or abilities in different areas and need to do our best with these gifts.  

I think one of the talents I was given but really had to work to develop was the ability to play the piano.  I took lessons for 12 years.  I had to work hard.  I still have to practice to keep up my skills.  I have been able to develop my ability so that I can help with the organ and piano in church.  I have also able to teach piano lessons to help supplement our income.

Another talent I was given was my ability to sew.  I have worked hard at this.  I love it.  The past 4 years, I have been able to help with costumes for the Fall Musical at my daughter's high school.  I can also bring joy to others by making homemade gifts.  I can repair clothing and alter clothing to help my family and sometimes friends and church members.  

The Parable of the Sheep and Goats.

How we treat others will help determine if we are the Lord's sheep or if we are in the group of goats.  

6 actions listed in Matthew 25:35-36 that permitted 'the sheep' to receive their reward at the King's right hand were: hungered, and ye gave me meat; thirsty, and ye gave me drink; stranger, and ye took me in; naked, and ye clothed me; sick, and ye visited me; prison, and ye come unto me.

How can we make sure that we are doing all we can to help those around us?  We are all in different stages of life.  We all have different family needs that must be met.  I don't think the Lord expects us to not take care of our families so that we can take care of everyone else.  Although, taking care of other's needs may involve some sacrifice on our part.  I think of Fast Offerings.  I remember when we were in college the first time, the Bishop asked us to double our Fast Offerings.  I was barely making enough money to cover all of our needs.  My husband said that we should follow the council of the Bishop and we doubled our Fast Offerings.  We were still able to make all of our bills.  I also, think of giving away the clothing my children have outgrown.  This is not a sacrifice on my part but it does help someone else.  Keeping our thoughts towards finding ways to help others can help us find ways that are simple but make a difference.

As we are kind to others and look for ways to help, we begin to feel prompting on where our help is needed.  As we learn to follow these promptings,we also learn to listen in other areas of our life. We also become my compassionate and Christ like in our behavior.   I think this will help us be prepared for the Savior's return.

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