Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Paul's Second Mission: Acts 16; 18

1.  List the names of 4 cities he visited, to whom he later wrote epistles. 

Write a paragraph explaining the way the Holy Ghost directed Paul on their journey
               The Holy Ghost guided Paul and his companions on his second mission in several different ways. First, the Holy Ghost helped Paul choose Silas as his companion for this mission.  The Holy Ghost guided them on where they should go when Paul received the vision of the “Macedonian Call”.  The Holy Ghost guided them on who they should seek out to teach.  The conversion of Lydia and her household and the jailer are an example of this type of guidance.    Finally, the Holy Ghost protected them and warned them of danger.

Write a paragraph describing how the Spirit has directed your missionary efforts and one way you could be more directed by the Spirit in your life.
                I am not a good verbal missionary but I can live my life in such a way that everyone knows that I am a Christian and will eventually know that I am a Mormon and live my religion.  The Spirit has helped me be brave when I needed to be.  I grew up in the church but have always lived in the Bible belt.  People have been taught wrong things about the Church.  I have had to stand up for my beliefs.  Sometimes, when I have not known what to say, I have had thoughts come into my head and have been able to answer.  I have been directed when to answer and when to let things go.  I can pay attention to the promptings that come to help serve others.  In this way, I can be a more effective missionary.

2.  List of reasons Paul was able to preach the gospel effectively
Paul listened to and followed the prompting of the Spirit. 
Paul was not a respecter of persons.  He was able to reach out to all classes of people. 
a. Lydia representing the wealthy or elite class. Acts 16:13-15
b. The jailor representing the middle or working class. Acts 16:27-34
c. The slave girl representing the poorer class. Acts 16:16-20
Paul knew the laws and was educated in the traditions and laws of the land.
Even in times of trial, Paul did not give up.

In what ways did Paul turn his experiences into missionary opportunities?  Paul was able to stay focused on the task at hand (missionary work) even when he was experiencing trials and was able to show compassion to the people.  He was able to live a Christian life and teach the people through his experiences.   The Lord can use the tribulations of His servants to spread His gospel. 

What can you learn from Pauls’ missionary experiences?  Paul could have been angry and quit.  Instead he persevered.  In the example of the Jailer, Paul cared about the jailer’s life.  He knew the jailer would die if the prisoners escaped.  Paul also went back to his brethren after he was released from prison to encourage them.
How is the jailer an example of a true convert?  The jailer was an example of a true convert because he was willing to serve Paul by washing his stripes and taking Paul into his home.  The jailer also told those around him all about the Gospel and his conversion. 

What can you do now to better prepare yourself to share the gospel. Whether as a full-time missionary or as a member? I can better prepare myself to be a missionary by listening to prompting/ideas that come to me to help others or on how to answer questions by others.  As I follow the Savior’s example, I will be able to be a better missionary.

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