Monday, February 24, 2014

Find the Solutions in the Scriptures to Life's Challenges: Philippians 1-4

People sometimes argue and complain over petty matters in church meetings or through out the week.  

 Philippians 2:1-8, 14-15

Let nothing be done in strife or in vain glory.  Think of others before yourself.  
vs 2:  be unified
vs 3:  treat others better than ourselves
vs 4:  don't just pay attention to your own stuff, look around at others
vs 7: serve others
vs 8: be humble
vs 14:  do all things without murmurings or disputings.

I have had my eyes opened to this matter.  People complain to me about the way my husband is doing his calling.  I don't know why.  I am learning to not get my feelings hurt even though they are talking about my husband.  

We raise our hand to sustain people in their callings within the church.  We say that we will support them.  Complaining doesn't do any good.  It just hurts the person complaining.  If there is a real problem then go to the leaders and don't complain to others.  

Many youth feel that their parent's testimony is sufficient for them.  Since they have good parents, they rely on them for all their spiritual strength.  

Philippians 2:12-15

We each need to have our own testimonies.  Our parent's testimonies will not carry us through difficult times or into heaven.  We each have to accept the gift of the atonement by believing for ourselves in the Savior.

vs. 12:  work our your own salvation

To work out one's own salvation is not to murmur belief in Jesus Christ or to sit idly by hoping that God's miracles will fall into our laps.  It is to perform daily and hourly the duty at hand.  We must progress with our faith, leaving the fruits of our labor.

There is the saying that says "Integrity is doing the right thing when no one else is looking."  It is somewhat easy to do the right thing and to depend on our parent's testimonies when we live at home and the structure of home is conducive to doing what is right.  Often times, when teens leave home for the first time they can go a little wild.  If the teen has their own testimony and it is strong then they tend to not stray when their parents are not around.  

An investigator is considering joining the Church, but his family will no longer associate with him if he does.

Philippians 3:7-16; 4:13

vs 4:13  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.  

I think Paul is trying to tell each of us that the reward for following Christ is greater than the turmoil or struggles we will go through by following Christ.  

I know it is hard for those investigating the church to make this choice.  One of the key principles in the church is our families and being a forever family.  

How is this writing assignment an example of the principle taught in 2 Nephi 32:3

vs 3:  feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.

We can find the answers to everyday problems or questions in the scriptures.  This assignment showed three examples of modern day concerns that the scriptures written by Paul answered.  

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