Monday, February 17, 2014

Romans 12-16: Live as Saints Should Live

1.  In Romans 13:11 it says that our salvation is nearer than we believe.  We must continue in righteousness, keep the commandments, and endure to the end so that we can have eternal life.

2.  In Romans 12-13, Paul gave much counsel that leads to salvation...

12:1  service
12:2  prove what is good
12:9  abhor evil.  have sincere love
12:13   given to hospitality
12:16   conform with humble hearts.  be not prideful
12:21   overcome evil with good
13:1  obedience to God
13:3   do good
13:8   love one another
13:9   love thy neighbor as thyself

3.  Paul gave a caution to judging.  In vs 14:11 he says that every knee shall bend and every tongue confess.  We will all stand before the judgement seat of the Lord.  We need to be careful not to judge others.  It is not our place but the Lord's.

We all have different opinions and different traditions or practices.  We need to remember that we are all children of God.  By reading D&C 38:25-27, we learn that we are all brothers and sisters in the Lord.

4.  Paul frequently used the term "Saints" to describe the members of the church in his day.

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